This is a United States patent for inventions covering the partitioning of a markup based document for presentation and interaction across multiple devices.

(Abstract) One or more techniques and/or systems are provided for displaying a first portion of a markup language document on a first device and displaying a second portion of the markup language document on a second device for interaction with the first portion (e.g., allowing a smart phone to control a video playing on a separate monitor). A markup language document can be created by a developer, where first and second portions of the document are delineated by a remote device tag. The remote device tag can be used to instruct a first device parsing the document to send the second portion to a second (e.g., remote) device. The first portion of the document can be rendered by the first device, and displayed on a display coupled with the first device; and a rendered version of the second portion can be displayed by a display coupled with second device..

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Full Title: Informed partitioning of data in a markup-based document
Patent Number: 9,015,576
Granted: 2015
Filed: 2011