This is a United States patent for inventions covering the pre-filtering of depth and RGB images for use in a target tracking pipeline.

(Abstract) An image such as a depth image of a scene may be received, observed, or captured by a device. The image may then be processed. For example, the image may be downsampled, a shadow, noise, and/or a missing potion in the image may be determined, pixels in the image that may be outside a range defined by a capture device associated with the image may be determined, a portion of the image associated with a floor may be detected. Additionally, a target in the image may be determined and scanned. A refined image may then be rendered based on the processed image. The refined image may then be processed to, for example, track a user.

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Full Title: Systems and methods for processing an image for target tracking
Patent Number: 8,988,432
Granted: 2015
Filed: 2009