Header only C++ code that makes it easy to create a window and draw pretty pictures on it. There's lots of frameworks out there that do this, but few that do only this one. simple. thing. Let's not try to boil the ocean!

This is actually a simplified and minified version of the window management logic in the Vision game engine. Vision supports MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android, but this release is currently limited to Windows only. Additional platform support will be added as time allows.


To get started include base_window.h (if you only want windowing), or base_graphics.h (if you also want to draw using OpenGL). Follow the super squeaky examples below:

Let's create a window:

  /* create our window */
  auto window = make_unique<BaseWindow>("Tutorial 1", 100, 10, 800, 600);

  /* while the window is valid, update it and perform our app logic. */
  while (window && window->IsValid()) {

    /* Your application logic goes here. */

Let's handle some input:

  /* Create a queue for input events. */
  vector<InputEvent> window_events;

  /* create our window */
  auto window = make_unique<BaseWindow>("Tutorial 2", 100, 10, 800, 600);

  /* while the window is valid, update it and perform our app logic. */
  while (window && window->IsValid()) {

    /* Handle all of our recent events that collected in our queue. */
    for (auto& event : window_events) {
      /* If the user pressed escape, exit the app. */
      if (event.switch_index == 27) {
        return 0;
      /* Check if the left mouse was clicked and report its values if so.
         Mouse coordinates range from [-1, 1] with (0, 0) being the center
         of the screen. */
      if (event.switch_index == kInputMouseLeftButtonIndex) {
        cout << "Left mouse " << (event.is_on ? "down" : "up") << " @ "
             << event.target_x << ", " << event.target_y << endl;

    /* Your application logic goes here. */

Let's draw using OpenGL:

  /* create our window */
  auto window =
      make_unique("Tutorial 3", 100, 10, 800, 600, 32, 0);

  /* while the window is valid, update it and perform our app logic. */
  while (window && window->IsValid()) {

    /* throw some color on our window. */
    glClearColor(0.75f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 1);

    /* Your OpenGL commands go here. */



  BaseWindow & BaseGraphics Source Code (Github)