This is a United States patent for an invention covering validation of human target recognition, analysis, and tracking. This work was created during the development of the Kinect project, and is an essential part of the skeletal tracking production pipeline. This technology facilitates automated refinement of a tracking pipeline using synthetic ground truth data.

(Abstract) Technology for testing a target recognition, analysis, and tracking system is provided. A searchable repository of recorded and synthesized depth clips and associated ground truth tracking data is provided. Data in the repository is used by one or more processing devices each including at least one instance of a target recognition, analysis, and tracking pipeline to analyze performance of the tracking pipeline. An analysis engine provides at least a subset of the searchable set responsive to a request to test the pipeline and receives tracking data output from the pipeline on the at least subset of the searchable set. A report generator outputs an analysis of the tracking data relative to the ground truth in the at least subset to provide an output of the error relative to the ground truth.

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Full Title: Validation Analysis of Human Targets
Patent Number: 8,448,056
Granted: 2013
Filed: 2010