Simple single-header-only implementation of both reading and writing Microsoft bitmap (.bmp) files. I've used this in some form across many of my graphics projects dating back to 1998 because it enables an easy way to dump visual data to a file for later analysis in a more sophisticated tool.

Note, this implementation only supports one particular (albeit the most common) data format: RGB24. This is not a comprehensive implementation of the bitmap format!


  uint32 src_width = 0;
  uint32 src_height = 0;
  vector src_image;
  /* Load our bitmap file into memory. */
  if (!LoadBitmapImage("input.bmp", &src_image, &src_width, &src_height)) {
    /* handle bitmap read error. */
    return 0;

  /* Image loaded with dimensions stored src_width and src_height. */

  /* Save our image back out to a bitmap file. */
  if (!SaveBitmapImage("output.bmp", &src_image, src_width, src_height)) {
    /* handle bitmap write error. */
    return 0;


  Bitmap Reading & Writing (Source code)